Thursday 3 October 2013

Step 2--How Do I Choose?

After simmering yesterday's samples in the crockpot for ~8 hours and then cooling them for another 12  they looked deep and dark inside their little jars:

Rooibos and Coffee

Earl Grey and Chamomile

I dumped them from their dye baths and "rinsed" them in several changes of lukewarm water.  By rinsing, i mean i lifted each sample from one lukewarm, clear water bath to another, careful not to swish or shock them too much.  I soaked them individually in warmish soapy water for an hour.  The wash water came out surprisingly clear.  Then came one more hour long soak, this time with a splash of vinegar:

Clockwise from top left: rooibos, coffee, Earl Grey, chamomile
Now i have a dilemma.  I like all the colours.  What a big change from the original, undyed yarn:

Natural Canadian wool

I tied the hanks with some superwash wool.
Notice the differences in colour between the hanks and the ties. 

The chamomile made the least difference to the original undyed yarn, but i like the subtle yellowish green tones:

Chamomile sample
The coffee wasn't quite as dark as i expected, but i do like the colour.  Maybe if i soaked it longer...

Coffee sample--look how dark the tie is compared to the yarn!
I was led to believe that the rooibos would turn the yarn green, but it is decidedly orange in tone.

Rooibos sample--I did much fiddling with the white balance trying for true-to-life colour.  I came pretty close.
The Earl Grey was my favourite before rinsing.  It looks just as good dry.

Earl Grey sample--this one smells the nicest.  It may win on that basis alone.
Any opinions?  What colour should i dye my yarn?  Should i pick my two favourites?  Try for all four?

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